Welcome to the Decade of Disciple-Making
As a global network of evangelicals, fostering gospel witness through unity amongst the body of Christ, we follow Jesus’ call to love God and our neighbour, and his command to make disciples of all nations. We believe that to make disciples is to follow Christ in all areas of life and help others to know and follow Him.
Every Christian, no matter how old or young, how mature or immature, should be a disciple, and every disciple should become a disciple-maker.

A disciple is a follower of Jesus
Disciples are life-long learners who are wholly committed to becoming like Jesus and loving others.
Disciple-making is helping others to follow Jesus
It is a committed, loving relationship where disciples of Jesus journey together to intentionally grow into Christ-likeness in all areas of their lives and, in turn, disciple others.

The ‘Make Disciples’ toolkit
This toolkit is an invitation to join the WEA’s movement and community by accessing relevant resources to help sharpen and deepen our disciple-making globally.