
We envision a decade in which the existing momentum in alliances, networks, churches, and partner ministries will be aligned with a focus on disciple-making, the development of emerging leaders, and intergenerational interaction — all for the purpose of spiritual renewal and societal transformation. Below are disciple-making updates from the alliances and networks. If you would like to contact any of the regional expressions, please get in touch.



A closer look at family disciple making Challenge Leaders are called upon to humbly serve and invest in churches, denominational and organizational leaders, and movements, all striving together to fulfill Great Commission, Commandment, and Collaboration. However are we seeing evidence of Kingdom change? There is a growing realization that we are not as healthy as…


Introducing our new website

We are pleased to announce the launch of the updated Decade of Disciple Making website! Our goal is to provide you with more clarity on how you can engage with the disciple making movement. The new website allows you to browse through a roadmap to see where you may be in the process, a toolkit…